Sunday, March 11, 2007

Totally Kool (aid)
This is my first attempt at dyeing wool with Kool Aid. I started by winding Lion Wool around my long green Knifty Knitter loom to make a nice hank of yarn. (It wouldn't all fit so I made two) Then I protected my kitchen table with a large plastic trash bag and set up to go. There are good directions for dyeing yarn with Kool Aid all over the web but I used the ones from Knitty because they also showed variegated.
After mixing my Kool Aid (I also used a generic "fake" Kool Aid in Lemonade for my yellow) I spooned it on and pressed it into the yarn. I blotted it a little before setting it on a plate to be microwaved. It kinda looks like a citrus rainbow. And no, I could not get the stains out of the dishtowel later.

This photo shows the yarn being microwaved for two minutes and the fact that my microwave needs wiping down.
Rinsing the yarn out to remove the excess Kool Aid.

 (Im)Patiently waiting for the yarn to dry.

Yarn of a different color...

This was made with the same principals just a slightly different method. Gel food color (I am a cake decorator.) was mixed with lemon juice and spooned on. This was my sub for Kool Aid) So far it seems fine. There was very little dye in the rinse water and the colors are very vibrant. I think I'm going to knit a hat with it once it's dry.

Shameful secret- I did have to break my vow of not buying more yarn to do this project. I can't even justify it by saying it's the first time. I had a moment of weakness in Chicago and bought some ribbon yarn I've been coveting. It was on sale for two dollars though...


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